It’s most likely that the Genshin Impact download is slow because of the number of people attempting to download the game at once, as it did reach over four million pre-registrations soon before release. Nonetheless, it’s a pesky gate for potential players, but at least it’s one with a tiny workaround.
Genshin Impact Slow Download Fix
If you’ve watched the download for any amount of time, you may have noticed the speed rise up to more acceptable levels for a period of time before dropping back down to a snail’s pace.
There is one way to kick your download into boosting back up to reasonable speeds, and it’s surprisingly simple:
Just pause and resume the download a few times over its course.
I noticed this while downloading the game yesterday, as I had to pause the download a few times for my own reasons and found that the download would always start on the faster end of the spectrum before slowing back down to a crawl.
Why Genshin Impact is downloading slowly after a short time isn’t totally clear, but the fact that pausing and resuming the download makes it speed back up is crystal clear.
This is something you’ll have to do several times over the course of the download, but the differences in download speeds make it well worth it if you’re trying to get into the game today while it’s still at maximum buzz.
While you’re here, take a gander at our Genshin Impact tier list or one of our many guides, including how to process ingredients and the state of its cross save capabilities.