This guide will provide you with all the answers in the Barbara Hangout Event that will unlock all the possible endings in Genshin Impact. Simply follow all the steps listed below and soon you will have a complete set of this event’s rewards.
Barbara Hangout Event All Endings in Genshin Impact
Start the Event
Before being able to enter the event players must complete a few prerequisites:
2x Story Key Complete Act 3 of the Prologue chapter of the main story Reach Adventure Rank 26
Players can obtain Story Keys by completing daily commissions. Once you complete 8 daily commissions you will earn one Story Key.
Daily commissions are unlocked after you reach Adventure Rank 12.
Once you have all the prerequisites, follow these steps to start the Barbara Hangout Event:
Go the game’s menu Enter the “Story Quests” tab Select “Hangout Events” option Confirm by paying 2x Story Key
Barbara Hangout Event Ending 1
The event includes a series of quests that are quite easy to complete. But the way you complete them influences which of the five endings you get.
In order to get the first Barbara Hangout Event ending follow these steps:
Reach Wolvendom in Mondstadt Speak to Barbara Speak to Albert and make these choices: “A lot of monsters here. ” “Searched all the nearby areas. ” “Must have been wolves. ” Follow Albert to the end
The final dialogue with Albert will complete the event and give you the first ending with the following rewards:
100 Adventure XP 20x Primogem 3x Guide to Freedom
Barbara Hangout Event Ending 2
The first two steps are the same, but once you start the dialogue with Albert, you need to answer differently to get the second ending:
Speak to Albert and make these choices: “Gather more people. ” “How can you be certain?” “Do you still hear her?” Go back to Barbara Leave Wolvendom with Barbara Speak to Sister Victoria Agree to clean the cathedral Choose Cat’s Tail Drink Speak to Sister Victoria once again Go to Cat’s Tail near Adventurers’ Guild Speak to Barbara Interact with three NPCs and make these choices: Herman’s daughter Schulz’s work Susie being considerate
Lastly, speak to Barbara one last time in order leave the town with her to get the second ending and the following rewards:
100 Adventure XP 5x Hero’s Wit 3x Varunada Lazurite Fragment
Barbara Hangout Event Ending 3
The alteration for the third ending starts at the previous step 6, where you choose the drink:
Choose the Chilibrew drink Make a choice to split up Speak to Sister Victoria Go to Stone Gate Pick up some chili plants Go to Whispering Woods Follow the lead to Barbara Choose to fight the Treasure Hoarders to save the merchant Talk to the merchant Choose the Liyue Chilibrew reward
This will bring up the third ending to the event with the following rewards:
100 Adventure XP 20x Primogem 5x Spicy Stew
Barbara Hangout Event Ending 4
Repeat the first step of the previous section and choose the Chilibrew drink, but follow these steps afterwards:
Make a choice to stay together Go to the Whispering Woods Fight the Hilichurl Speak to an NPC and choose Knights of Favonius Win the fight against the NPC
When the foe leaves you with Barbara, you will unlock the fourth ending and the following rewards:
100 Adventure XP 5x Hero’s Wit 3x Varunada Lazurite Fragment
Barbara Hangout Event Ending 5
For the final ending you need to follow the scenario of the third ending until you reach the last battle with the Treasure Hoarders. Once you save the merchant, follow these steps:
Speak to the merchant Choose the Sweet Flowers Go to Adventurers’ Guild Speak to Barbara in the garden
This will trigger the fifth and the final ending of the Barbara Hangout Event and the following rewards:
100 Adventure XP 20x Primogem 3x Guide to Freedom
That’s all you need to know on how to unlock all five endings of the Barbara Hangout Event in Genshin Impact. If you found this guide helpful, consider checking out our other Genshin Impact guides!