
Pathfinder is a system built off Wizard of the Coast’s Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 edition. This is what 4th edition should have been. The play has been smoothed over and lots of things Wizards missed has been added in. The world is massive and has an absolute great storyline to go with it. My favorite class is the cleric, and the rogue. It’s a tie.

World of Darkness

While the new World of Darkness is neat, I am still a huge fan of the old edition. White Wolf was purchased by CCP Games a few years ago to get the rights to make WoD a MMO, but that game has yet to be finished (of which I am still waiting on). My favorite of the series is Vampire the Masquerade, to be closely followed by Vampire the Dark Ages. While these two games are close in play stats wise, how you play is considerably different to how different the world was at those two times. In Vampire the Masquerade, I love playing Toreadors, and in Dark Ages, I love the Cappadocians.

Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons and Dragons is currently in its 4th edition. Its considered one of the worst editions Wizards of the Coasts has released in the tabletop circles I run with. It is one reason why we discovered the game of Pathfinder and switched to it. The game was simplified to a point where it is befitting an MMO instead of a round the table game.