You can try out your favorite games and meet the people behind or in those games such as Hajime Tabata, director of Final Fantasy XV and Tomohiro Hasegawa, art director of the very same game. There will also be other celebrities such as WWE superstar, Dean Ambrose and Robert Harry, a seven-time NBA champion. If it’s your dream to meet these guys, your chance has arisen.

There will be many more to accompany you during your journey in the upcoming expo and they’ll all be there during certain timeframes or days. To meet the aformentioned directors of Final Fantasy XV, you’ll have to be there at 10AM PDT. Fans will surely love to take some selfies with their favorite directors, celebrities, and other famous people in their eyes. Of course, you’ll be able to play multiple games such as NBA 2K16 and join in tournaments for games like Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros.

You can check out who else is joining the expo party on the official site.