Wait, There’s More!

On top of that, you have the downloadable content, which is becoming increasingly popular (and gives game companies another chance to milk some more cash out of a single game). And if you are like me and want to experience every little part of the game you love, this downloadable content will cost you somewhere between $1.00 - 20.00 (usually downloadable content is offered for action and arcade games).

Dedicated and Cash Poor

As a college student, I will freely admit I do not have the fattest wallet. But gaming is my hobby, my habit, my addiction, and my vice … so I still tend to spend a bit of cash on my games (I’m doing better, it has been a month since I last purchased one). Recently to cut down on the amount I was spending, I have been playing some games that I had loved but had never taken the time to beat. But back to what I was talking about … money.

Quality = Reason

If a game is really good and is something I have wanted, I will pay a pretty high price to get it. Such as last summer–I was playing a classic Square Enix game, Parasite Eve. After completing the first game, I wanted to play the second. I found the game for around $65 at my local used game store. Because Parasite Eve 2 is rare, and I wanted to finish the story I was invested in, I was willing to shell out the cash. If this had been a game that was new to me, or I had not known anything about it, I might not have been as willing.

Give Me More

Recently, I finished playing Ni No Kuni, the latest video game by Level-5 and Studio Ghibli. I can not even tell you how much I loved that game. After completing it I actually felt a little sad that it had come to an end. So it is no surprise that if downloadable content were offered I would be all over it, even if it packed a steep price.

Summing It Up

So my thoughts about today’s rising game prices: sure I wish games (and consoles) were more affordable, but as long as fans are as dedicated as I know we are, games will still fly off the shelf or be downloaded no matter how much they cost.