Back in Game of Thrones season 3, when Melisandre met Arya curiously, the Red Priestess told Arya: “I see a fogginess in you, and in that obscurity, eyes looking back at me. Gritty shaded eyes, blue eyes, green eyes, eyes you’ll close forever. We will meet from now on”. This was reiterated when they saw each other again at the Battle of Winterfell, with complement on the blue eyes being those of the Night King. Notwithstanding, what of the brown and green eyes?

For the brown, Walder Frey is Arya’s most prominent kill with that eye tone. Concerning the green, a most cherished fan speculation was that this suggested the death of Cersei Lannister, at this point not at all did Arya not kill the Queen, she stuck no other focal parts after the Night King with the sharp end. Regardless, it’s possible that the foreknowledge was insinuating a past, still critical green-checked out at kill of hers: Littlefinger.

Melisandre’s Prophecy Might Have Referred To Littlefinger Round of Thrones – Arya Kills Littlefinger Arya killed Littlefinger in the Game of Thrones season 7 finale as the peak of a plot that brought the Stark family back together. While specific watchers assessed this was just a fake out, and that Littlefinger would return for season 8, clearly he was point of fact dead. Besides, that is truly perfect for Melisandre’s Arya premonition: in the books, Littlefinger is portrayed as having faint hair with some dull in it, and “laughing green-faint eyes, like a cat.”

Enduring Littlefinger as the “green eyes” on Arya’s kill list infers changing the solicitation for Melisandre’s premonition, from “gritty hued eyes, blue eyes, green eyes” to “hearty shaded eyes, green eyes, blue eyes,” but not solely is there nothing to say that Melisandre was putting a specific plan on her words, that is the very reordering she does during the Battle of Winterfell. Taking into account how muddled some of Game of Thrones’ expectations are, no important for that is an entirely remarkable stretch.

— Game of Thrones (@GameOfThrones) August 29, 2022

Yet again clearly, despite Walder Frey, Littlefinger, and the Night King, Arya killed a ton of people as she butchered her bearing from King’s Landing to Essos and back, and many were not on-screen with the eventual result of really zeroing in on their eye tones. Considering that, it’s totally possible that the “eyes” Melisandre speculation was a Game of Thrones expectation expecting Arya’s trip from a firecracker to a pre-arranged expert assassin – a foreknowledge that definitely worked out. The Red Woman’s words to her at the Battle of Winterfell could have been quite recently a sign of how talented a unimaginable Arya is, which would fit (however to some degree less impeccably).