The participants in the Heron Journalist Training Program – currently running since October – couldn’t agree on a single title for Game of the Year. We’re all interested in different styles of gaming. (Most gamers can probably relate to that.) I like racing games as much as the next guy, but do I think Rocket League wins Game of the Year? I don’t know; I haven’t played it! There are way too many choices for us to pick one together. So, we each picked our own!

In the weeks to come, you’ll be seeing some articles on GameSkinny titled “Game of the Year 2015 Intern’s Pick: ________”. In each of these articles the participating interns will be giving their argument as to why the game they chose should be Game of the Year. 

In case you don’t feel like scouring the web for each article, save this one to your favorites bar and check back frequently! After each new article comes out, it will be added to the list of links below. 

Interns’ Picks for Game of the Year 2015

BlackTideTV’s pick: Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection David Fisher’s pick: Splatoon Joe DeClara’s pick: Rocket League Jessi_Cat’s pick: Life Is Strange Dennis Adame’s pick: Killing Floor 2 Lad Johnson’s pick: Mortal Kombat X Daniel Williams_2179’s pick: Fallout 4 Game of the Year 2015 Interns  Picks   Info   Links - 5